Season eight of Funk Shui on Italian station Radio Popolare

Dec 22nd, 2016

Category: news

Season eight of Funk Shui on Italian station Radio Popolare

Willwork4funk is proud to announce the eighth season of Calamity Jade‘s weekly radio show “Funk Shui” on Italian stations Radio Popolare, serving all of Lombardy, every Saturday from 11:45 pm to 12:45 pm, on Controradio, serving all of Tuscany, every Friday at 11:45pm with reruns on Sunday at 4pm, and from this year also on Radio Per Passione, in the region of Puglia, on Wednesdays at 11pm (all times given in CET).

This eighth cycle of the show begins on January 14th and ends with the last show on Saturday May 6th. As always each episode will once again include a special on an artist/producer. “Funk Shui” can be streamed from the websites of both radios, and episodes will be put online on the Willwork4funk mixcloud profile. Playlists and streams of all episodes can also be consulted on the Radio page of this website (in the “about” section).

This will be the last season with the current format, at the end of this season “Funk Shui” will go on a longer break than usual and come back badder than ever in the Fall.